10+ Most Common Types of Personality Tests Used in Job Selection

Every time we apply for a job, we will definitely be faced with various psychological tests . One of them is a personality test. Actually, the purpose of this test is so that the company can find out the character of its prospective employees.

Management wants to know whether their prospective employees are suitable to work in their company or not. Therefore, until now there are still many companies that provide personality tests as one of the recruitment processes.

Did you know, there are many types of personality tests that you can take. Not only MBTI and EPPS, but there are around 10 psychological tests that can be used to find out your personality.

Check out the explanation regarding the types of personality tests that you need to know below.

What is a Personality Test?

According to the book Theory of Personality , personality is a collection of individual characteristics and traits that determine how they behave and act.

The unique fact is, in this world there are no two personalities that are exactly the same and tend not to change. This is also the basis for why humans have differences in acting, thinking, feeling, and also responding to everyday situations.

Basically, personality psychological tests are derived from the discipline of psychometrics which is a combination of psychology and metrics. This science uses personality as one of its main components. While the other components are cognitive or intelligence.

Simply put, this personality test is done to measure a person’s abilities and personality through certain types of tests. And of course, each result of the personality test is not the same.

10 Types of Personality Tests That Are Often Used

After you understand what a personality test is, this time we will discuss 10 examples of the most commonly used personality tests in the world. Because they are often used, the accuracy of the tests below is considered quite high. Some types of personality tests are as follows:

1. MBTI Personality Test

The first type of personality test is MBTI or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator . Surely you are familiar with the term MBTI, right? Did you know that this MBTI test can be tested on children to adults?

The MBTI personality psychometric test has a total of 16 personality types. Some of them are extrovert, introvert, intuition, thinking, to feeling . This test can be used for school activities to company recruitment processes.

Have you ever taken an MBTI test? What were your results?


The second type of personality test is EPPS or Edward Personal Preference Schedule . The purpose of this test is to see the other side or emotions that exist within a person.

The results of the EPPS personality test can be used as a reference or basic material to see how far the motivation or desire is within you. Until now, many companies still use the EPPS test to see the psychological side of prospective employees.


Have you ever taken a test where the questions were sentences to be completed? Maybe you were taking the SSCT or Sack’s Sentence Completion Test .

Just like EPPS, SSCT personality test is also used to find out how someone is emotionally. Usually the questions consist of 50 sentences that you have to complete based on what you feel or think at that time.

4. Rorschach

Next is the Rorschach personality test. This test is used to see a person’s emotional state more deeply. Usually this test is used to find out if someone has trauma, hidden feelings, or other things related to mental health.

For those of you who want to know your current mental condition, you might want to try this personality test. This test uses ink as its medium.

The ink will be poured or drawn abstractly. Well, later you will be asked to mention what image you see, what action you will do on the image, and other questions.

5. Picture Personality Test

One of the personality tests, the graphic test can also be used to find out feelings, emotional conditions, and other sides of a person that may not yet be or may not be visible.

This personality psychometric test is certainly one that you have often done, you know. Like drawing a tree, drawing a person, and drawing a house. Every picture you make can be a reference to find out another side of yourself.


If you want to know your future job prospects, then you can use the RIASEIC personality test. The purpose of this test is to find out and determine what career is right for you in the future.

Basically, this RIASEIC personality test will divide interests into six parts such as investigating, realistic, social, artistic, conventional, and enterprising . This test is also suitable for those of you who feel that your current career is not in accordance with what you want, you know.


The RMIB or Rothwell Miller Interest Blank personality test type can also be used to determine a person’s talents and interests in a particular job or activity.

Later, you will be asked to complete questions from 12 categories of types of jobs that are generally done by humans. The results of this personality test can show what fields match your talents and interests.

8. Enneagram Test

Next, there is the enneagram personality test. The enneagram test uses nine axes on a polygon star to determine different personalities. Did you know that the enneagram test was developed by Sufis in ancient times?

In general, this personality test contains several paragraphs or sentences that you must choose according to your personality. The results will later be taken from the nine personalities in the polygon star, such as perfectionist, actor, lover, skeptic, mediator, protector, and others.


The WAIS or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale personality psychological test aims to determine a person’s IQ. This test can also be done on children to adults, by classifying humans into seven types.

Basically, this test consists of verbal, calculation, logic, and language tests. If the results show a number above 130, then you are classified as very superior . While for the number 120-129, it is classified as superior . And the number 110-119 is included in the high average.

10. Big Five Personalities

Another type of personality test that you need to know is the big five personality . This test has five big personalities to find out the nature or domain that a person has.

This personality psychological test developed by Allport and Cattel divides human personality into five parts. Among them are conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness, friendliness, and extraversion.

11. Test 4 Human Personality Types

Finally, there is a sanguine, melancholic, choleric, or phlegmatic personality test that can help you to recognize and shape your character to be better. Designed based on medical theory in Ancient Greece that divided human temperament into four parts.

That is by giving some questions that best represent yourself. But remember, it must be answered honestly, yes! The purpose of this personality test is to see a person’s temperament.

Well, those are 11 types of personality tests that you need to know. Have you ever taken some of the tests above? As previously mentioned, each test result will give different answers. So don’t just focus on one test, okay? Because, the purpose of each test is different. If from the results of the personality test you have found your interests and talents, then the next step is to apply for a job that is suitable for a bright career in the future.


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