Not only in the world of politics, the practice of nepotism can also be found in the world of work. Simply put, nepotism is an attitude of excessive favor with close relatives. An example of nepotism in the world of work is a boss bringing his family members or close people to work in the office. This is also familiarly called an ” insider “.
In fact, just like in the world of politics, nepotism in the world of work can also have a negative impact. Well, to better understand what nepotism is, its characteristics, and how to deal with it, let’s look at the following article.
What is Nepotism?
Nepotism is an action by someone who takes advantage of their position and title to prioritize the interests of their family or those closest to them over the public interest.
A frequently found practice is selecting people to enter and sit in certain positions not based on their abilities but on the basis of blood relations or kinship.
Another opinion says that the meaning of nepotism is a practice carried out by those who have power or influence to prioritize family or relatives and close friends.
Etymologically, the term nepotism comes from Latin, namely “Nepos” which means nephew or grandson. So, it can be defined that nepotism means the act of choosing people not based on their abilities, but on the basis of family relationships or closeness.
In Indonesia, the definition of nepotism is regulated in Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of a State Free and Clean from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism.
In law, nepotism is defined as any act of state administration that is against the law and benefits the interests of one’s family and/or cronies above the interests of society, the nation and the state.
Characteristics of Nepotism
The practice of nepotism in the world of work can be easily recognized, here are the characteristics:
- The implementation of the position is carried out in an authoritarian manner
- The granting of certain positions is not based on ability or expertise, but because of family relationships or closeness.
- Lack or absence of honesty in carrying out the mandate given to him
- There are gaps and injustices in the implementation of work and the provision of facilities.
Types of Nepotism
In practice, nepotism consists of several types, such as:
1. Family Nepotism
This nepotism is the most common and easiest to recognize. For example, in the staff position, many are filled by one family. This can be easily identified by looking at the last name or facial resemblance.
2. Nepotism College Tribalism
Nepotism college tribalism is done based on the origin of the same campus or campus major. An example of this nepotism is in a company led by a boss from campus Z, when there is a candidate who comes from the same campus as him, then the applicant is given more priority.
3. Organizational Tribalism
Organizational nepotism is an activity carried out based on a particular organization, such as a political party organization, profession, and others. For example, placing people from the same party to fill important positions.
4. Institutional Tribalism
This type of nepotism is done by people who come from the same agency outside their current agency. For example, a company leader who moves jobs, then he brings his best employees to move to the new place with him.
Differences between Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism
Talking about nepotism is usually also closely related to other terms, namely corruption and collusion. Corruption is the misappropriation or embezzlement of company or state assets used for personal or other people’s interests.
Meanwhile, collusion means an act of conspiracy by two or more people carried out in secret with bad intentions and to gain profit.
Collusion can also be interpreted as an act carried out in secret by providing money or certain facilities as a lubricant so that all matters run smoothly.
The Impact of Nepotism
Of course, the practice of nepotism in the workplace has a bad impact. In addition to the unfair recruitment process and not paying attention to the person’s skills and competence, nepotism is an action that can also cause KKN (Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism).
Besides that, there are several other impacts such as:
1. Hinders Employee Retention
If nepotism occurs in a company or division within a company, there is a possibility that the company could lose its best employees.
This happens because the leadership ranks have been filled by the boss’s family or relatives, so that the role of the HRD team in building skills will be hampered.
The impact is that even productive employees can lose interest in working at the company and choose to resign.
2. There is discrimination
The next thing that is also an impact of nepotism is that it often causes discrimination in the work environment. This happens because the boss will prioritize the interests of his family or relatives over ordinary employees.
3. Risk of Family Conflict
When there are family or friends working in the same company, there is a possibility of conflict. This happens because they will easily bring personal problems into the workplace. This conflict can disrupt the work environment.
How to Deal with Nepotism
Being in a work environment that practices nepotism can be very uncomfortable. If you are facing it, try following these steps.
1. Make Observations
One way to deal with nepotism is to try to observe other employees who have family members or relatives working in the same department, business area, or division.
You can also observe married couples who work in the same company. If you see something strange, you can write it down. In this way, you can observe and get an indication of which employees are practicing nepotism.
2. Try Competency Evaluation
If you find a candidate who has a family relationship with an employee who already works in the company, then you can evaluate and classify his/her competency. Whether he/she can fill the position or not.
Actually, recruiting people who are related is not entirely your fault but they must really have the right abilities.
3. Stay Professional
If you find a culture of nepotism in your company, try to control yourself. Don’t show that you are jealous of the perpetrators of nepotism, even if you are cornered. Instead, show that you have mature emotions that indicate that you are not affected by it.
4. Get Out of the Situation
Finally, the solution to dealing with nepotism is if this practice has become extremely disruptive, to the point of making you unproductive and affecting the quality of your life and thoughts, it is best for you to immediately get out of the situation.
Don’t force yourself to stay in that bad situation while you pass by many golden opportunities to grow.
Examples of Nepotism
Here are some examples of nepotism that often occur in the world of work.
- A manager hired his relatives and gave them preferential treatment in the hiring process.
- An official in an institution opens a job vacancy. Then the official fills the position in the institution with his own family members, without looking at the abilities or qualifications of other applicants.
- Instead of choosing someone for their ability to do the job, a manager promotes a family member who is known to be incompetent.
That’s the thing about examples of nepotism in the workplace that you need to know. Maybe after reading this, you realize that this practice is so close to your daily life in the workplace.